Hey Baby, How's Your Money?


HowISyour money?

Does that question make you cringe?

Is your money currently overdrawn?

Are you ashamed about the amount of debt you have?

Are you carrying the same amount of debt you had ten years ago?

Are you so stressed and bored with your job that you spend all day shopping online?

Do you wake up in the middle of the night anxious that there’s not enough?

Is thereEVERenough?

Are you tired of working one low wage job after another?

Do you think that being an intuitive, artist or creative person means you will be broke forever?

Maybe you make plenty of money but have nothing to show for it?

 Whatever your money problem is right is this moment.

I’ve got a message for you

You ready?


You don’t have to have all the answers

Let me repeat that

You don’t have to have all the answers

What you do need is:   Awareness


Your relationship to money and abundance is one of the most important relationships in your life.

There is a reason why money is one of the top causes of divorce.

How many of us know stories about friends and family who no longer talk to each other over money?

So, if money is one of your most important relationship partners, why not treat your money like you treat your lover, your child, your parent, your sibling, or your best friend?

When your child is acting up, sad, or sick,

You know it’s time for you to give him or her some extra attention.

Your money is theSAMEway

Money likes attention.

Correction Money Adores attention.

Money is like a carnival princess dancing the samba in a gorgeous diamond encrusted costume

She wants to be seen.

 Here are 5 ways you can pay more attention to your money this week:

1.      Sign up for Mint.com.it’s great! It’s what I use, personally, and it’s owned by Intuit, a very reputable financial company known for products and services like QuickenQuickBooks and TurboTax.

2.      Have a weekly Money Makeout. Start by keeping your receipts in your wallet along with a few index cards. Once a week (or more if you are a big spender :) set aside 5 minutes. Find a quiet place. Light some candles and incense. Pour a cup of your most decadent hot chocolate and list out on an index card everything you spent your money on this week. Use the receipts to help. I’ve done this for the last four years and it cured my shopping addiction.

3.      Tell her all the things she does right. Be grateful. Do you have a place to live? Your money did that. Food in your belly? Every morning find a way to list out 10 reasons you’re grateful.

4.      I’m Rich I’m Rich. My friend's niece is super adorable. She's a hoarder, but in a super, cute, ovary-twinge inducing kind of way.  Everything in her life makes her feel abundant. At her recent birthday party she was seen dancing around the room, birthday candles in hand yelling I'm rich I'm rich.  Give her a bunch of Band-Aids. Same reaction. She updates her own baby book. This girl knows how to savor. That idea that everything about you is precious and worthy of being kept in the annals and archives of the history that is your life. So try it. Pretend like you just won the lottery. Right now stop everything you’re doing (seriously it’s like a magic spell you gotta say it out loud) and yell at the top of your lungs!!! “Thank you for everything I have. I’m Rich I’m Rich I’m Rich!”

5.      Know your Money Archetype. Sometimes problems in a relationship are more about your communication style. Your money is saying one thing and you’re hearing something else. Go here to figure out your money style. There is an easy quiz to fill out and great tips on how to manage your money style. In four years by doing all the above steps I went from being a pleasure seeker (spending more than I made on trips, clothes, eating out etc) to a guardian (I get adorably anxious when my account falls below a certain number and my number grows each year).

 Try these 5 tips and I promise you will see some abundant shifts in your life around money.

If you wanna take your money ever higher enlist other women to do these things with you.

 A good place to start would be the Qoya workshop at Sacred Brooklyn Saturday April 7th from 4pm -8pm. 


Our theme? Abundance and Sexy Money.

I promise sexy movement, joy, ease, and abundance around money during this workshop. 

Isn’t it about time money was sexy?


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P.S There is a secret surprise for the woman who brings proof that she completed the steps listed above!

 For More Tips Sign Up here!

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52 Week Savings Challen....... Soiree!

I'm doing this 30 day movement challenge issued by Dara Cole over at Sacred Studio Brooklyn. I'm on day something or other (not sure when this blog will post). So many good things are coming to me as I take this journey.

One of the things I conjured as if by magic is someone gifted me this spread sheet created by Kassondra Perry-Moreland.

It's brilliant,

it's fun,

it's a challenge.

So in the spirit of the new year

I Challenge you!

No, even better I invite you to a Savings Soiree!

Here's how its works:

  • Pick a day of the week. For me its Wednesdays
  • Transfer a corresponding dollar amount into your saving's account for example if its week 3 transfer $3 dollars to your savings (Or $30, or $300, you can keep adding zeeeros if you got it like that Oprah:)

There are 52 weeks in a year; so you will do this 52 times and have a total of $1,378 in your savings account at the end of the year or $13,780 or $137,800. (knock yourself out money bags:)

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Simple right?

If you're game

Say "I'm In" in the comment section below:)

Plus pass it on!!

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Get Support With Your Savings Plan!!!

Email Address



Sometimes Adding Means Subtracting

It's late on a Tuesday afternoon,

I'm just coming in from my Hot Mess pilates class

it's part of a 30 day movement challenge issued by

Miss Dara Cole over at Sacred Brooklyn.

Its my 4th day and already I am noticing a shift.


I don't do as much.

I saw a post on Facebook that said to do more you need to do less

So I'm noticing the not so important things falling off my to do list


I'm eating better,

partly because I wanna look lean and fit in my tiny hot yoga shorts and tops

and more importantly I want to feel radiant and a full stomach

and hot yoga make for a nausea inducing time


I'm having so much fun.

 I get to see my people EVERYDAY.

 I feel this sense of true community especially since I live and work alone on most days.


FASHION. I know.

But for me its all the motivation I need.

I am planning new outfits everyday as if I'm Beyonce

and I'm gonna be photographed for a blog that day:)

What's all this got to do with you?

 I thought you might like to ask yourself the following questions.......

1. What can I take off my plate so I can give birth to a project with ease and grace?

2. How can I nourish myself so that my creativity pours out of me

3. Who can I call to be my creation buddy?

4. What can I wear to make myself feel authentic in whatever endeavor I'm embarking on? 

For more ways to create abunance with ease sign up here!

Email Address



The 4 Seasons of Woman

The essence of femininity is round

It’s the circle

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The cycles of things

The moon cycle, the creativity cycle, the life cycle, the cycle of your business, your menstrual cycle, and yes the seasons.

The beauty and essence of the body woman is her connection to these cycles.

The moon affects the seasons, affects your body, affects your actions.

How can we harness the natural energy of the world

to suck our desires to us with the same ease the sun attracts the earth?

It's said that,

There is a time for everything

For everything there is a season

What is for you, will not go by you

So before you make any move,

 ask yourself

What’s my season?

What time of year is it?

What phase of creation am I in?

What day of the week is it?

Where are the stars in relation to my natal chart?

What week of my menstrual cycle am I in?

So, what’s your season?

If the answer is Winter (December – February, week of period, end/renewal phase of a project or business)

It’s time to chill (cue strains of Just Kickin' It by Xscape). It’s cold outside. Curl up on the couch with a good book or episode of the Vampire Diaries (yes it’s good ) or take out your journal and ask the following questions:

What changes did I make during this month or year, or period?

What am I most proud of?

What am I grateful for?

What corrections would I like to make

What is my source, intuition, God, Goddess, the universe telling me?

What is my body telling me?

How can I be alone?

Am I getting enough sleep?

What are my dreams whispering to me?

If the answer is Spring (March-May, week after period, growth phase of a project or a business)

It’s time to start some shit; those seeds you planted should be ready to sprout.  This is a great time to be out and about moving and shaking.  Your creativity and motivation is on a surge.  It’s the perfect time to caress and massage your to do list into a puddle at your feet.

Questions to ask yourself during this time.

What do I really want and desire?

How can I make my desire happen?

Who do I want to see or meet with?

What group events do I want to attend?

What calls can I make or emails can I send to reach out to people, potential customers, and joint venture partners?

If your season is Summer (June-August, ovulation week, climax or peak of a project of a business)

PARTY! (Party people in the house tonight……. )Imagine you’re the rock star and this is your big hit-album release. You’re touring radio stations. You’re at the parties being the superstar you were meant to be.  During this time you’re receptive to your magic as a woman. Use your prime seduction abilities at this time to suck in and receive your desires. Gratitude and contentment come naturally during the summer season.

Questions to ask yourself.

What needs to launch?

What can I draw, write, sing, play, design, produce, create?

How many orgasms can I have in a day (literal and figuratively)

How can I give back and increase my ability to receive.

How can I express myself more fully into who I am?

What needs to be said right now?

If your season is Fall (September- November, the week before your period, the decline or afterglow of a project or business)

It’s after-the-party time. Everyone has gone home. You’ve cleaned and put away the dishes.  Time to send those follow-up emails and hand written thank you notes. You may feel depressed by the abrupt energy shift. This is the time to start slowing down. Get more sleep. Become meditative and introspective. Get into agreement with your feelings.  Questions to ask yourself.

What can I take off my to-do list?

When can I get a massage?

How did I feel?

How do I want to feel?

What do I want to let go of?

Since we are in the heart of winter at the time this post is being written, I’ve got a little holiday present for you to reflect on your past year and get ready for the new one. It's an excerpt from my workbook:

 Sexy Money: A Feminine Manifesto To Make More, Give More, and Have More

Excercise One: Savoring

Bonus: Success Map

Exercise Two: Desire Line

Desire-Line Worksheet

Feel free to share with your friends and family.

Please like us on Facebook!

If you want more goodies like this one join the Sexy Money Sessions for free here.

Happy New Year!


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An Open Invitation: Book Birthing Thursdays!

Hello Gorgeous Lady

 I'm open to receiving the next iteration of my gift to the world.

 What about you?

 I've had a book percolating in my body for about a year now and this baby is ready to burst free:)

  I'm jonesing for a more feminine way of manisfesting and

 thought about you amazing women to act as creativity dulas

 Your creation doesn't have to just be a book either, maybe it’s a new blog or a podcast, a video series, or a workbook or some combination of both.

 I just want us to do it together because the more the merrier.

You IN?

Here is what you do:

1) Please Sign UP for our Sexy Money Email List here

2)Like us on Facebook here

3)Follow this link to sign up Book Birthing Registration

What this group isn't, is masculine. We won’t be using any of the following ideas (Inspired by Lissa Rankin's amazing post :



Put your ass in the chair until it’s done.

Make it happen.

Go for it.

Chase it.

Will it.

Put your nose to the grindstone.

No pain, no gain.



Cling to it if it feels like it’s slipping away.

If it’s not going well, try harder.




But for the love of God, never let ‘em see you sweat.

And for Pete’s sake, don’t stop and savor what you’ve achieved, because there’s a bigger goal right around the corner." Lissa Rankin

How does that sound? IF you are IN?

Here is what you do:

1) Please Sign UP for our Sexy Money Email List here

2)Like us on Facebook here

3)Follow this link to sign up Book Birthing Registration

What we will do is be our sparkling gorgeous feminine selves. We will:

Be Relaxed

Have Faith

Be Open

Follow our joy

Let it come to us

Release attachment


Be Love

Be Ease

Be Peace

Be Child Like

Soooo starting Thursday December 13 8-9:30 EST (a new moon by the way)   "Book Birthing Thursdays" starts

Book Birthing Thursdays is a 4 Month incubation group.

Here are the dates:

December 13th Your Big Beautiful Birth Plan! 8-9:30pm EST

January 10th Nothing New Under the Sun8-9:30pm EST

February 7th  I Can't Do This:) 8-9:30pm EST

March 14th Orgasmic Birth  8-9:30pm EST

April 11th Lets Do Launch!  8-9:30pm EST

Last chance , You IN?

Here is what you do:

1) Please Sign UP for our Sexy Money Email List here

2)Like us on Facebook here

3)Follow this link to sign up Book Birthing Registration




Is it too late to join?

Nope this is an open invite. Past meetings are recorded for your veiwing pleasure, the more the merrier!

Can I invite a friend?

Absolutely just have her sign up here

Will we be using Danielle Laporte's Your Big Beautiful Book Plan?

We will use portions of the book so if you want to support an awesome lady go ahead and get it for yourself:)

click this itty bitty blue link to get Your Big Beautiful Book Plan (not required to be a part of the group)


99 Pleasures: The Best Things in Life Really Are Free

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Here's an excerpt from my gigantic List O'Pleasures, a document I've been working on for years. Most everything on this list is absolutely free. Something to think about when you're out shopping this holiday season:) My gift to you.

  1. Sleeping In on a Rainy Day 
  2. Finding Money You Didn’t Know You Had Or Give that Gift to Someone
  3. Making Brief Eye Contact with Someone of the Opposite Sex 
  4. Skinny Dipping 
  5. Receiving a Real Letter or Package via Snail Mail 
  6. Hearing the Right Song at the Right Moment 
  7. Cold Cold Water with cucumbers, berries, or lemon floating in it – even better when you drink it out a champagne glass
  8. Catching a Glimpse of Bare Skin on the Opposite Sex – Go where the sexy people are and stare and lick your lips and stare some more.
  9. That seat on the crowded subway – RESLISH IT. Even better when a guy gives you his seat!
  10. For my driving lovelies- Finding a parking space right in front of the place you are going to.
  11. Realizing You Have More Time to Sleep 
  12. People Watching 
  13. Use a hair dryer to finish drying you naughty bits – It’s a decadent pleasure of sensation.
  14. A Delicious Smell – Try a new scent. Go get free samples from Sephora, Barney’s, or Sak’s.
  15. Play a game or finish a puzzle – bonus points for playing with other people!
  16. Fresh, Clean Bed Sheets 
  17. A Beautiful View – Find a rooftop or mountainside immediately
  18. Reminiscing About Old Times with Your Closest Friends 
  19. Receiving an Unexpected Compliment 
  20. Having a Good Laugh 
  21. The Feeling After a Healthy Workout 
  22. The Celebration in the Instant Something Makes Sense 
  23. Relaxing Outdoors on a Sunny Day 
  24. Playing in the Water 
  25. Making Someone Smile 
  26. Finishing What You Started 
  27. Songs that bring you back to great moments in your life
  28. Those random good-hair days when you just feel beautiful or handsome
  29. The bittersweet feeling of finishing a really good book
  30. Finally getting to sleep in your own bed after being away for a few weeks.
  31. Correctly guessing an old password on a website you haven’t visited in awhile.
  32. Waking up all by yourself a minute or two before your alarm goes off and feeling well rested.
  33. When someone tells you “yes” when you expected them to say “no.”
  34. Sitting outside during a thunderstorm. The sound of the thunder, the flash of lightning and the smell of rain to remind you of the beauty of nature.
  35. When you’re hot under your bed covers and you stick one leg out from under the covers to cool off.
  36. Realizing you were smiling the entire time you were talking to someone, right after you hang up the phone.
  37. Laughing hysterically with your friends, then pausing momentarily, looking at each other, and then laughing hysterically again.
  38. Taking the perfect picture.
  39. Popping bubble wrap.
  40. Listening to someone else’s heartbeat.
  41. The feeling you get when you’re just waking up when you’ve gotten enough sleep.
  42. The kind of friend you can say “I love you” to without implying anything but a deep platonic friendship.
  43. Seeing two elderly folks who are madly in love. It’s a sight of love that has surpassed the tests of time.
  44. Finding something you made when you were a kid.
  45. Hanging out with your closest friends and just being able to feel comfortable in your own skin around them.
  46. Being next in line.
  47. When you succeed in doing something someone said you were incapable of doing.
  48. Wind blowing through your hair.
  49. The feeling of ‘clicking’ with someone else’s personality instantly, and being able to talk about anything even if you’ve only known each other for a few hours.
  50. The humble feeling of accomplishment you get after you fix something that was broken.
  51. Pulling into your neighborhood after a long road trip.
  52. Randomly catching a glimpse of your reflection in a window or mirror and liking what you see.
  53. Seeing the person who makes your heart race, even if it’s just for a few seconds in the hallway.
  54. Hearing a new song you really like and then downloading it and listening to it over and over and over.
  55. A certain smell that instantly takes you back to another place or time in your life.
  56. Crossing things off your to-do list.
  57. Seeing somebody use and enjoy a gift you gave them.
  58. When the beer or soda foam goes up out of the glass, but doesn’t spill over.
  59. Being able to tell someone some genuine good news.
  60. The good pain of stretching your legs after sitting down for a long time.
  61. When someone scratches an itch on your back for you.
  62. When you accidentally say something that rhymes.
  63. Making momentary eye contact with a cute stranger.
  64. An honest relationship. No secrets. No lies.
  65. Running warm water over your hands when you have a chill in your body.
  66. People who make you smile just by thinking of them.
  67. Realizing there’s nowhere else you would rather be right now.
  68. Seeing a double rainbow.
  69. Taking a ridiculously long nap and feeling like a million bucks when you wake up.
  70. When you realize you have finished everything way ahead of schedule and can do whatever you want for the rest of the day.
  71. Looking at a digital clock and seeing a series of numbers, like 12:34, a pair like 10:10, or 11:11.
  72. Cleaning up your room and finding something that brings back brilliant memories hidden at the back of a drawer.
  73. The way the sun shines through the leaves of a tall tree.
  74. The exciting feeling you get when you’re getting off the plane in a city you’ve never been to before.
  75. Receiving a surprise hug from behind by someone you were looking forward to seeing.
  76. When nobody else uses the public restroom the entire time you’re in there.
  77. The feeling of a fresh mouth after you brush your teeth.
  78. Being on the beach at night.
  79. Getting a second chance.
  80. Waking up early and going someplace, like the beach or a park, and being the only one there.
  81. Having a really great day with a friend you haven’t spent time with in ages.
  82. Sneaking your own food and drinks into the movie theater.
  83. Waking up to good morning texts from someone who makes you smile.
  84. Changing into clean, dry clothes after you’ve been swimming for awhile.
  85. Hearing a song that seems to be written about exactly what’s going on in your life right now.
  86. That weightless feeling you get after a good cry and knowing you’ll be ok.
  87. Hearing a song that you haven’t heard since your childhood and realizing you still know all the words.
  88. When you make eye contact with a friend from across the room and you both automatically smile.
  89. When someone unexpectedly remembers your name.
  90. The “butterflies in your stomach” feeling of a new romantic relationship.
  91. Waking up from a weird dream and remembering every last detail.
  92. When your roommate goes away for the weekend and you have the whole apartment to yourself.
  93. When you finally yawn after an airplane flight and your ears pop back to normal.
  94. Scoring 100% on anything.
  95. Driving fast over a small hill in the road.
  96. Falling in love with someone.
  97. Turning right to the book or magazine page you were looking for.
  98. When you and a close friend finish each other’s sentences.
  99. When your jaws and cheeks ache from too much laughing. 

Nothing To Fear: 20 Ways To Seduce Your Fear and Anxiety

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So, I’ve got a confession to make. I sometimes get TERRIFYED! Like heart palpitating, wanting to hide under the covers, kind of terror.

When you own your own business (especially in the beginning) it's par for course.

As I grow older I realize that this fear and anxiety usually means I am playing bigger than I have before. Fear is my sure fire sign that I am on the right track.

I once heard or read author and amazing bad ass (Get her book Overcoming Underearning here) Barbara Stanny say “underearners are addicted to comfort”.

So what’s a bad ass to do when she can’t hide under the covers cause she has shit to do and people depending on her?

How can you fake it until you make it?

Or better yet, fake it so good you convince even yourself?

I've culled a gazillion remedies from all over the web to help during those naseau inducing times of extreme terror and fear.

Meditate, pray, or indulge in a mental flight of fantasy. Love love love love the Lords Prayer or this charkra meditation on youtube. I am also a fan of the HE-MAN incantation. Sometimes a girl just needs to call on the powers of Greyscull or the universe or the goddess.....you get the idea.

MOVE!!!!! I am in love with Stephanie Servere’s Booty camp in Forte Greene check it out here. I can't get enough sensual movement like pole dancing or burlesque which I do at Sacred in Broooklyn

Ask the your tarot cards or ask the Astrotwins. I love the combo of prayer, tarot cards, and meditation. The Astrotwins have an uncanny knack at predicting the stars. Angel Paths is a great online guide for reading tarot.

Write it down, Write it all down. Write down all your anxiety and everything you are afraid of and put it in a special worry box.

Confessions (Queue Usher Song). Tell all your hidden dirty anxious secrets to a trusted confidante.

Spring Clean (literally and figuratively). Clean house for real! Clear out drawers, closets, under the bed. Make your space serene, then go buy Regena Thomashauer's book Mama Gena’s School of the Womanly Arts and practice the spring cleaning exercise on page 51.

 Kava Root. It's super relaxing. I like the pill form. (please use common sense and know that I am not a licensed doctor or herbalist:)

Rescue Remedy Pastilles (these are my FAV). Sucking on one of these is a sure fire way to take the edge off! Plus they satisfy my sweet tooth.

 Magnesium. Mineral deficiencies also contribute to nervousness. I take a magnesium supplement daily. I’ve read recommendations of 250 mg a day and going up to 500 mg for those days you are pre menstrual. It also helps if you are uph hum….. backed up if you know what I mean:) 

 Mantras. Yes I know they sound cheesy but they help when your thoughts are on that deadly spin of worry. My favorites:

Thank You Goddess for everything I have I'm Rich I'm Rich

I expand in love, sex, magic, success, and abundance and I inspire others around me to do the same

 Get Outside. Trees, fresh air, grass. I live in New York the ultimate steel jungle so anytime I step into nature my molecules rearrange themselves.

Stop being afraid of failure.  Things will get easier when you understand that change is paramount to success and that it is rarely comfortable. Let go of the fantasy that there is or should be a point in your life after which you will have "arrived" and will no longer find change difficult.

 Last but not least ORGASMS. Yes I know it risqué but hey it works! Why don’t we both stop pretending otherwise:)

 Thats my list! Everybody gets scared but its how you proceed that makes all the difference! And in the words of my favorite TV coach (and unfortunately our former presidential nominee) "Clear Eyes Full Hearts Can't Lose". Seriously Friday Night Lights people check it out:)




What service should I use for credit card processing? So gone are the times of leasing expensive machines. Now anybody with a smart phone, tablet, or computer can process credit cards. Two great services: Square and Intuit Payment Solutions. As you grow and your credit card sales are more than 6K a month you can reassess what your best options should be.

What bookkeeping software should I use? Ok, I am biased. I like QuickBooks. It’s what I use. It’s what most accountants and bookkeepers use for small business. I really like QuickBooks online for my mobile business as it allows me to work from anywhere and assign access to my employees and accountant based on what they need to work on. Quicken and Mint.com are also great for businesses that are just starting out.

What paperwork do I need to keep for bookkeeping and tax purposes? Keep EVERYTHING!!! I have a blog post on this here.

How much should I pay myself? This one is tricky because often times your business doesn’t allow for much of a salary for business owners in the beginning. At some point though, start paying yourself what you would pay an employee with your skill set  and keep giving yourself raises as you continue to grow.

What type of corporate structure should I be? This one depends on your business, but it’s been my experience an LLC is a solid corporate structure for most business.  Some businesses will start as sole proprietors because those are the easiest to start. As a sole proprietor, your risks of liability are greater because you don’t have the protection of being a separate entity like business owners who are structured as an LLC or corporation.

What do I need for an audit? A good CPA? No really the IRS auditor is going to want to see a list of all expenses and the receipts to back up those expenses.

How much should I save for taxes? Start with 10% of all revenue if you are a new business and gradually grow to about 20%. This is also dependent on rather or not you pay yourself a salary and what your corporate structure is.

How do I determine rather someone is an employee or an independent contractor? The laws for each state vary, but in this recession most states are cracking down. See the list here before you decide to pay someone. The fines can be pretty high if you are found in violation of your labor laws so make sure you are choosing the right designations for folks.

What are the best solutions for payroll? When choosing amoungst the big payroll companies I prefer Paychex because they assign you a specific person to handle your account. If something goes wrong I like to know that I can call a specific person and have him or her take care of me. For DIY business owners, QuickBooks payroll is a great option and cheaper too.  D Cooper Financial also handles payroll.

What are the first things I should do to start a business? Pick a name, pick your structure, register with your state, and open a business account. Of course there is more but start with these 4 things.

Should I keep a separate bank account? Absolutely! I know people don’t do this in the beginning and it will bite you in the ass when tax time comes and you have to shift through all your expenses to figure out what is what. Plus it makes it harder to hire someone to take care of your bookkeeping for you when your expenses are messy and business and personal gets mixed together. In my experience million dollar businesses don’t mix personal expenses on a regular basis so what kind of business do you want to be?



Working While You Rome: 9 Reasons to Become an Entreprenuer

So I’ve had this desire. It’s been percolating for the last 7 years. I want to experience the best of all my favorite cities. I want to live seasonally in all my favorite places: Seattle in the summer, New York in the spring and fall, and Down South for the winter. I imagined myself sprinkling international trips in between my changing zip codes.

Last month I had my first test run!


I spent the last two weeks of summer in Seattle. I was in heaven. The freshest fruits and veggies imaginable. NATURE!!! Black berries trees just grow on the sidewalks. Vintage clothing shops where you can walk out with a knockout cocktail dress and vintage Halston-esque gold belt for 35 bucks. Coffee shops on every corner and not one a Starbucks? Did I mention that I was in heaven?

 What was the catalyst for this desire coming true? It was my decision three years ago to start my own business. Being an entrepreneur is amazing. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done. Here’s a long list of why:

1. Financial Freedom: The average yearly income for an entrepreneur/ business owner is $185,000 compared to her counterpart the employee who makes $64,000 a year. Studies and statistics have proven time and time again that successful entrepreneurs make more money than their employee counterparts.

2. Freedom of Time: Sure in the beginning building stages you spend more time working on your business, but it’s YOUR time and you get to decide how to use it. Plus as you grow you get to hire people to do the stuff you don’t want to do and aren’t as experienced at. It’s all about how you design it from the beginning.

3. Freedom of Location: If you craft your business right you can work from anywhere. The beauty of entrepreneurship is that you can craft a business that fits your lifestyle

4. Freedom of Lifestyle: My business can be shifted and grow and change as I grow and change. Right now I want to travel so it’s important to me to have a business that can be worked on from anywhere. Soon I want to start having children and I’m making my current business decisions with that desire in mind. Plus studies have shown that women entrepreneurs have it much easier being a working mother because they can dictate their schedules.

5. You get to be the BOSS: This is perfect for folks who have strong opinions on how things should be done and like to be in charge! (I’m not pointing any fingers on this one, you know who you are!)

6. Great Customers: There is something so satisfactory about having a product or service people love. Closest thing to being  a rock star that I can think of. Speaking of being a rockstar…….

7. Be a Rock Star: Marketing is fun! Who knew? I get to act-out all my diva/superstar fantasies. It sounds a lil kooky but my business persona is the best parts of myself; the parts of me that are fearless, outgoing, charming, and ingratiating. In my private life I am more reserved and to be honest scared shitless.  I get why Beyonce likes to perform behind the persona Sasha Fierce. Sometimes those personas are like protective Iron Man-like shields that allow you to be bigger and better than you ever thought you could be.

8. Winning! Not in the manic Charley Sheen way, but just having pride in solving those daily problems and seeing those wins show up as more cash, more freedom, and more satisfaction.

9. Giving Back! This is probably the best part. Not only have you built a business that supports you and your family, but your money and business can also be of service to all your favorite causes. My passions lie in education and young people. My money gets to support organizations that are on the front lines creating a better world for us.



I’m Rich Bitch! Everything I know about abundance I learned from a 5 Year-Old

Lesson 1: I'm rich I'm rich

My friend's niece is super adorable. She's a hoarder, but in a super cute ovary twinge inducing kind of way.  Everything in her life makes her feel rich. At her recent birthday party she was seen dancing around the room birthday candles in hand yelling I'm rich I'm rich.  Give her a whole mess of bandaids. Same reaction. She updates her own baby book. This chic knows the delicate art of the Savor. The idea that everything about you is precious and worthy of being kept in the annals and archives of the history that is your life. So try it. Right now stop everything you’re doing and yell at the top of your lungs!!!

Thank you for everything I have.

 I’m Rich I’m Rich!

Lesson 2: Why Spend Mine When I Can Spend Yours

No this lesson hasn’t been brought to you by Lil Kim (seems like I am on a slight Lil Kim obsession this is the second blog post I mention her in.) Nope this lesson comes from my god daughter who religiously saves every penny she gets. When it’s time to buy something she opts for a deal (just like her god mother) and goes to the dollar store. She waits for other people to get her the big stuff (again very similar to her god mama). I’ve gotten some amazing things from pure ether, magic, and conjuring. It’s way more fun than just putting down the cash. Recently a client of mine gave me bag of brand new clothes she had hanging around. I scored the most beautiful hot pink lace La Perla lingerie, a gorgeous summer skirt, and a pair of wide legged slacks I’ve been wanting for years. The best part is we both get to feel good. She gets the thrill of making someone happy. And I get the awesome example of how the goddess provides. It’s truly a win-win.

Lesson 3: Superstar!

This one’s directly from my five year old self. Twenty plus years ago, My mom asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. She said my whole being lit up and I said “a star”.  I am not an entertainer or performer by profession, meaning I don’t make my living from the arts, but I do use the same principles when it comes to marketing myself or my business. I just pretend I’m the Beyonce or Angelina Jolie of money and in the words of Danielle Leporte. I radiate and state the facts. People are attracted to shiny vibrant people. You get yourself as juiced as possible and folks will gravitate to you. Nobody juices a woman faster than Mama Gena. Her book changed my life. Check her out sometime.

Lesson 4: For the Love of Money

This one is another lesson from my younger self. Ok I admit. I love money. I have since I was young. I would ask for my allowance in one’s so I could enjoy the feeling of a fat wad. I used to iron the bills if I felt they weren’t crinkling enough. I would make money piles out of newspaper and rubber band them the way I saw in the movies. My mother used to warn me that it was easier “for a camel to get through the eye of the needle, then a rich man to get into heaven” It’s funny how the gospels people emphasize are the ones that want us to toil, work hard, be meek and wait until you die for your reward. No one talks about the Sermon on the Mount “And why take you thought for clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:” or the Lord’s Prayer that promises our “daily bread”. Money is a manifestation of the divine. It’s a manifestation of your relationship with self and your value as a person. If you love yourself, then dammit love your money too. Check out Morgana Rae and her witchy brew of coaching that allows you to really embrace your money as if he or she were a lover and a friend.

Lesson 5: Money Isn’t Everything

This one’s straight from my god daughter again. She loves saving but can be heard saying to her mom “Money isn’t everything mommy” From the mouths of babes. When it’s all said and done. Money comes, money goes. It’s how you treat it when it’s in your life that reflects directly on how its treats you when it flows out. So count all your blessings: the love in your life, the family, the friends, your home, your health, your fantastic place on this earth. If you are feeling flush right now, share some of the wealth, it’ll make room for more. If you are feeling tight, take a breath and put some attention on what you do have.

