7 Ways To Make Mondays Magical Again

I'm fresh off of hosting my first retreat here in New Orleans for my Priestess group (a small group of women building their first six figures in revenue)

 It was magical, spectacular, historical, and jam-packed with information.

 New Orleans is some kind of city

 And I am some kind of Money Coach

 or should I say Financial Shaman/ Business Bruja

 but even I get depleted and come into Monday feeling like the grapes of wrath.

 Wrinkled, deserted, and sour.

What's a mystical, magical, fairy, princess, queen goddess to do?

1. Consult the group chat.Ask them what they like to do as a Monday pick-me-up. Don't have a group chat. Use mine: They suggested I take a walk. Which I am about to do as soon as I finish writing this. 

 2. Have a cup of chai. A lesser me would say have a donut but since I'm off sugar (AGAIN!!!) this is the next best thing. Plus cinnamon is a natural pick me up AND a sugar blues buster.

 3. Do the dishes on Sunday night. So you don't have to wake up to them on Monday morning.  I can handle dishes on any other day but. not. Mondays. And don't forget to wipe the counters. Clear counters, clear mind, said no one ever. I'm choosing to make it a thing.

 4. Commit to only two things on your to do list. I promise everything else will fall away or wait. til. Tuesday.

 5. Masturbation Monday. Is this a thing anywhere but Tumblr? If not I'm making it so. Go do it right now. I'll wait. Here's some terrible sci-fi erotica to get you going.

6. Plan your next Friday The 13th tattoo. Honestly I got a new tattoo on Friday and it was the most random and magical thing I've done in a while. It felt bold, as befits the goddess Fridays are named for. 

 7. If You're Stuck, Get a Mentor/Coach/Teacher.Seriously what are you waiting for. If your money isn't where you want to be, or your business still feels like a hobby, maybe you need a swift kick in the ass:)  

Apply for your free swift kick in the ass session here.  

 A few things you should know about me.

 Shame is not my thing. Everybody struggles with this money thing whether they make 30k or 130k.

 I'm self made. No trust fund, No wealthy hubby. Just me

What you will get from this Free session.

1. Identify what you desire to create in the next 12 months

 2. Identify the blocks that are keeping you from creating your desires

 3. A concrete solution that you can take to the bank and brag to me a few months later about the changes you created. 

 Kind of like my girl Rebecca Louis Miller. Rebecca signed up for one of these free sessions with me and sent me this email a few months later:



Just had to send a little progress report. First of all, I've been using Mint again (first enrolled after your workshop at Sacred, but fell off the wagon), and finding it HIGHLY pleasurable to think of saving as a game. It definitely brings fun back into saving. I've enjoyed creating fun names for categories, like "Polishing the Altar" for facials and nails, etc.


Secondly, I had an amazing job interview yesterday at ****.. I brag that the position was CREATED for me, and I'm the only candidate they're speaking to, and it was like true love. Pussy and I are in full agreement that this job is right for me.


The funniest thing happened when I went to ask for $100K, though. I asked for $90 instead. So I've got more work to do in that arena, clearly. But she didn't even blink!!


It's still a $20K raise for me, plus I'll be working one less hour and commuting almost two hours less each day. That's three hours of my life back, to work on my writing or practice pleasure or dance. Every single day!!!


The offices are beautiful, they feed us two organic communal lunches a week, onsite yoga/meditation/nap rooms, plants growing on the walls, and I'd be joining a team of communications goddesses! Pussy is in alignment too. Almost everyone works from home on Fridays... 


Per your suggestion, I'm planning to build an altar on my new work station (they encourage you to decorate your desk, so they give you a $100 gift card when you start).


While this isn't a done deal, it feels very promising and I'm crazy excited. You and Mastery have helped pave the way for this epic shift.


So much love and gratitude,




Need I say more? This blog post won't resonate with everyone, but a few of you have been checking me out over the years and wondering if I'm the real deal.

I am.

If you are ready to get unstuck financially.

Let's Talk

I'm doing another Full Moon Live Master Class! Sign Up Here  Also share this blog post with 2-3 ladies who desire the power of ritual in their life to build wealth.